Show Producing

Show producing is a subset of event producing that focus more directly on timing and direction of stage and talent elements. A show producer will act as a stage manager ensuring all elements of the event are communicating, on the same page, and are working together to execute the event or performance smoothly. Depending on scale, this area my be managed by the event producing team. 

Examples of Tasks

  • Create detailed cue sheets.
  • Develop content with the presenters, talent, and speakers.
  • Direct rehearsals.
  • Direct and work with presenters / talent and facilitate the execution of the event.
  • Support presenters to ensure their overall confidence with equipment and content - Mics, Teleprompter, Presentations, etc.
  • Ensure all green room requirements are met.
  • Call lighting, audio, scenic, and staging cues.
  • Coordinate the stage crew.
  • Ensure proper set up and positioning of stage elements.
  • Escort talent to and from back stage areas at appointed times.
  • Maintain version control of scripts, presentations, videos, and audio tracks.
  • Keep presentations and performances on time.
  • Create final script and presentation files for client.